Quiet quitting may seem like a good way to support yourself through what has been a very stressful and challenging few years. Is it really the best way to deal with a work life that clearly isn’t working for you anymore?

Quiet quitting or working without putting in any extra/effort or time, may seem like a great rebellious act but I wonder if it is doing you more harm than good. The underlying problem is that you are not happy or satisfied with work anymore. Right? And my question is what does quiet quitting really achieve for you? Does it make you feel better? Possibly in the short term but probably not for very long. You will still feel undervalued, underpaid, or worse. So, what does it actually achieve?

Rather than quiet quitting, I would spend some time working out what needs to change for you to feel valued, motivated, and fulfilled at work again. What is it that is missing? Yes, we have had a few very hard years and perhaps staff shortages and other cutbacks have made your current role untenable. Is it a holiday, or a job change you need? Just don’t jump ship, think about what it is you need. Maybe what you need is a change within the company, or a right sizing of your role.

Burn out can be about a lot of things – too much work, not enough simulating work, or other environmental factors inside and outside your control. Quiet quitting may seem like a way to take control, but you would be better served by taking stock and working out what long term changes you need to make to find the joy in work again.

Image: Stress by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay