Heather Lowery-Kappes
Successful Transition Advocate
Maximising your Brand and Reputation. Finding your Career Fit, and Selling it to the Right People – are my Specialist Skills.
Like a travel consultant my role is to help you through your career journey to make it what you would like. I am here to support/mentor/guide/counsel/coach and help you to:
- Find the right information
- Sift through and explore options
- Identify the limitations
- Teach you new skills
- And develop the tools needed
With 25 years’ experience in the hospitality, service and tertiary education industries working with Youth, Young Adults and Mature Adults and in the disability services, I am the right person to help you develop your personal brand and move your career in the direction you want. An educational background and experience in Human Resource Management, Career Development and Counselling gives me the perfect combination of knowledge to bring to your Career Journey perspectives from both the employer, employee and career development disciplines. I maintain memberships in a number of Professional bodies and actively maintain my knowledge in the career and educational areas to be up to date and current for my clients with what is happening in New Zealand, Australia and Internationally.
I have experience with working with a diverse client base and am passionate about transitions both transitioning Youth and young adults into their first career or tertiary study experience successfully, and transitioning established career changers or movers into new positions through identifying established skills and experience and lever them to make smooth shifts into new roles.
- Master of Counselling, The University of Waikato
- Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision, WINTEC
- Graduate Diploma in Career Development, Auckland University of Technology
- Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, The University of Waikato
Memberships and Credentials
- Fellow (FMCDANZ) and Professional Member of Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDANZ)
- Current National President of CDANZ
- Member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors (MNZAC Registered with NZAC)
- Member of National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (NAGCAS)
- Waikato Branch Member of Career and Transitions Aotearoa NZ (CATE)
- MYERS BRIGGS Type Indicator Certification
- New Zealand Council for Educational Research- CSP registration/Certification for Self-Directed Search (SDS)